Microbiome Bioinformatics with QIIME 2: Free online workshop

Jan. 26, 2021 - June 1, 2021


The QIIME 2 team is very excited to announce the formal launch of our official YouTube Channel! To celebrate this, we have a special gift for the QIIME 2 community - we are making our official QIIME 2 workshop content available to all, for free, to be viewed whenever and wherever!

Please check out https://forum.qiime2.org/t/microbiome-bioinformatics-with-qiime-2-free-online-workshop/18244 for the latest link(s) to the workshop videos.

The content that we’ll be releasing is pre-recorded lectures and hands-on tutorials from our most recent two workshops, which were both held online. We imagine that these could be watched as they’re released (see schedule below) simulating a semester-long course; they could be watched individually if there are only specific topics that you’re interested in (though some videos refer to content or interactive steps performed in other videos); or they could be watched over the course of a few days to simulate a multi-day course, once the initial content is all available. You can also feel free to use these in workshops that you host.


We will release one or two videos every Tuesday from now until June 2021, the videos will be published on our YouTube Channel, and will be appended to the playlist linked to above. This will give us enough time to perform light editing, and also to prepare closed-captioning for each video. The tentative schedule is listed here:

Please check out https://forum.qiime2.org/t/microbiome-bioinformatics-with-qiime-2-free-online-workshop/18244 for the latest schedule.

Required Software

Unfortunately we are not able to provide a QIIME 2 cluster for this workshop, so we strongly encourage you to install QIIME 2 locally. Check out https://docs.qiime2.org for the latest installation instructions. The video content that we have prepared will include references to the workshop clusters we have used at previous online events, and will not be strictly applicable here in this setting, but you will be able to run any commands we demonstrate in the videos on your own computer.

Getting Help

We plan to answer questions about these videos as they come up on the QIIME 2 Forum. We are in the process of setting up new forum categories to facilitate discussion of these materials. We’ll post additional details on that during the week of February 8th, when we get to the first interactive steps of the workshop.

Questions? Comments? Contact us.