An Introduction to QIIME 2

Nov. 4, 2020 - Nov. 4, 2020
Online (via World of Microbiome)

Members of the QIIME 2 team, led by the Caporaso Lab at Northern Arizona University and the Bokulich Lab at ETH Zürich, will teach a four-hour online workshop on bioinformatics tools for microbiome science. This workshop will introduce general concepts in microbiome research and how the QIIME 2 platform can help to advance your work. Attendees will gain hands-on experience working with QIIME 2 interactive visualizations and will have multiple opportunities to ask questions of the instructors. After attending the workshop you'll know how to get started with QIIME 2, including how to install it on your system and how to get technical support from the QIIME 2 developers.

Registration is open to the public at the link provided above.

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