Microbiome Analysis With QIIME 2

Aug. 15, 2018 - Aug. 15, 2018
Congress Center, Leipzig, Germany

Members of the QIIME 2 development team will teach a one-day hands-on workshop on bioinformatics tools for microbial ecology during ISME 17. The workshop will include lectures covering basic QIIME usage and theory, and hands-on work with QIIME to perform microbiome analysis from raw sequence data through publication-quality statistics and visualizations. The workshop will also cover related bioinformatics tools such as DADA2 and EMPeror. This workshop will provide the foundation on which students can begin using these tools to advance their own studies of microbiome analysis or microbial ecology.

This is a hands-on workshop. Participants must bring their laptop, any operating system will work.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the most recent QIIME 2 and Qiita features for microbial community analysis
  • Select the best workflow and parameters to perform the different steps for microbial community analysis
  • Understand and apply on their own datasets different phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic metrics to compare microbial diversity samples

Please note, ISME17 registration is not required for this workshop.

Enrollment is now closed.

Questions? Comments? Contact us.